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Herrschaft Staat Und Gesellschaft in Sudosteuropa Aus Sprach- Und Kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht : Erneuerung Des Zivilisationswortschatzes Im 19. Jahrhundert Akten Des Internationalen Symposium 2.-3. Marz 2006 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Herrschaft Staat Und Gesellschaft in Sudosteuropa Aus Sprach- Und Kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht : Erneuerung Des Zivilisationswortschatzes Im 19. Jahrhundert Akten Des Internationalen Symposium 2.-3. Marz 2006 (Paperback)
Product Description

This volume contains the proceedings of a conference on the formation of cultural vocabulary in southeastern European languages in the second half of the 19th century. The conference was held in 2006 by the Balkan Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. This volume contains the proceedings of a conference on the formation of cultural vocabulary in southeastern European languages in the second half of the 19th century. The conference was held in 2006 by the Balkan Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The coining of new terms occurred independently in the various territories of the Habsburg Monarchy the Ottoman Empire and the principalities and kingdoms of the Balkan Peninsula. Nevertheless it was influenced by international examples as well as the political social and technical developments of the time. Many terms concerning government state and society that were introduced in the second half of the 19th century are still in use today. The languages in question are Albanian Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian Bulgarian Modern Greek Romanian and Ottoman Turkish. The lexical neologisms must be seen as trans-boundary not genetically related but rather determined by cultural entities. The authors of the individual articles are co-workers on the project and international specialists.

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