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Secrets Stolen Fortunes Lost (Paperback)

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Product Name
Secrets Stolen Fortunes Lost (Paperback)
Product Description

The threats of economic espionage and intellectual property (IP) theft are global stealthy insidious and increasingly common. According to the U.S. Commerce Department IP theft is estimated to top $250 billion annually and also costs the United States approximately 750 000 jobs. The International Chamber of Commerce puts the global fiscal loss at more than $600 billion a year. Secrets Stolen Fortunes Lost offers both a fascinating journey into the underside of the Information Age geopolitics and global economy shedding new light on corporate hacking industrial espionage counterfeiting and piracy organized crime and related problems and a comprehensive guide to developing a world-class defense against these threats. You will learn what you need to know about this dynamic global phenomenon (how it happens what it costs how to build an effective program to mitigate risk and how corporate culture determines your success) as well as how to deliver the message to the boardroom and the workforce as a whole. This book serves as an invaluable reservoir of ideas and energy to draw on as you develop a winning security strategy to overcome this formidable challenge.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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