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Culture Jam: How to Reverse America s Suicidal Consumer Binge--Any Why We Must (Paperback)

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Culture Jam: How to Reverse America s Suicidal Consumer Binge--Any Why We Must (Paperback)
Product Description

America is no longer a country but a multimillion-dollar brand says Kalle Lasn and his fellow culture jammers . The founder of Adbusters magazine Lasn aims to stop the branding of America by changing the way information flows; the way institutions wield power; the way television stations are run; and the way the food fashion automobile sports music and culture industries set agendas. With a courageous and compelling voice Lasn deconstructs the advertising culture and our fixation on icons and brand names. And he shows how to organize resistance against the power trust that manages the brands by uncooling consumer items by dermarketing fashions and celebrities and by breaking the media trance of our TV-addicted age. A powerful manifesto by a leading media activist Culture Jam lays the foundations for the most significant social movement of the early twenty-first century -- a movement that can change the world and the way we think and live.

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March 4, 2025

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