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River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Prize: The Enders Hotel : A Memoir (Paperback)

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Product Name
River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Prize: The Enders Hotel : A Memoir (Paperback)
Product Description

In the center of the rural boomtown of Soda Springs Idaho stands the historic Enders Hotel Café and Bar a three-story brick building that has been many things to many people. But to one family who bought it as an attempt to renew themselves it was home a place they desperately tried to hold on to and yet after seventeen years of living there the very place from which they wanted to escape. Growing up under its leaking roof Brandon R. Schrand watched a cast of broken characters pass through the hotel doors--an alcoholic artist a forgotten boxing champ an ex-con a homeless family--and tried to find his own identity among those revolving faces. Haunted by a father he had never seen he tested the faces of those drifters for familiarity. Winner of the River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Prize The Enders Hotel reveals the promises and warnings of western boomtown life--stories of alcoholism murder betrayal hope and finally redemption.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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