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Survival Skills for Scholars How to Work with the Media Book 2 (Paperback)

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Survival Skills for Scholars How to Work with the Media Book 2 (Paperback)
Product Description

This is a savvy straightforward and smart book. It tells you the things you need to know--from how not to look bad on television--to how not to look stupid in any medium. I liked its pragmatic approach. I work part time as an on-air news commentator at our local CBS affiliate (KIRO-TV) and I see a lot of academics try to get their point across and fail miserably. Or worse they never get the media interested enough to put them on. I really think this book will help them. In fact I think the authors should get these stations to send this book to their guests. It would definitely help both parties! --Pepper Schwartz University of Washington Do you know the \ rules of the game\ when dealing with the media? How do you get your views on the New York Times Op-Ed page? When the local newspaper calls asking for a quote on a topic on which you are only marginally familiar how do you respond? Why do you repeatedly see the same colleagues on television? Many scholars like yourself will come into contact with the media during the course of their careers. But few know enough about the inner workings of the media to ensure that their views are not distorted or left on the cutting room floor. Noted criminologists/sociologists James Alan Fox and Jack Levin demystify the workings of the press and other media and give you concrete practical advice on how to effectively work with them in this handy book. The authors have extensive media experience--their own NPR radio program voluminous op-ed columns and quotes in the papers and stints on TV shows from Geraldo to Face the Nation. Their wealth of knowledge will help you the scholar know what to say and how to say it the next time CNN or the Washington Post calls.

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March 4, 2025

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