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DocBook Xsl: The Complete Guide (4th Edition) (Paperback)

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DocBook Xsl: The Complete Guide (4th Edition) (Paperback)
Product Description

DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide (Fourth Edition) by Bob Stayton is the definitive guide to using the DocBook XSL stylesheets. It provides the missing documentation to realize the full potential of DocBook publishing. It covers all aspects of DocBook publishing tools including installing using and customizing the stylesheets and processing tools. With this book you can: (a) select the DocBook components that are appropriate for your needs and budget (b) set up and configure the tools for efficient processing of your documents (c) generate HTML and print output from the same DocBook files (d) customize your HTML and print output (e) discover and use advanced features of the DocBook stylesheets. The book is suitable for new users just getting started as well as more advanced users needing a complete reference. It is thoroughly indexed and cross referenced so you can quickly find what you need. The Fourth Edition updates the content to the latest stylesheets and DocBook version 5.

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March 4, 2025

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