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Outright Barbarous : How the Violent Language of the Right Poisons American Democracy (Paperback)

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Outright Barbarous : How the Violent Language of the Right Poisons American Democracy (Paperback)
Product Description

How the violent rhetoric of the Right has polluted political discourse in America Outright Barbarous turns the spotlight on the rhetorical thuggery of the Right exposing how the verbal excesses are being perpetrated not just by media blowhards like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh but by conservative thought leaders. But Feldman does more than point fingers; he offers practical steps for cleaning up our too-often-toxic political discourse. --Arianna Huffington Since 9/11 America has been contaminated by the violence of right-wing language in the speeches of Republican politicians and the rantings of the talking heads on Fox News and on conservative talk radio. Jeffrey Feldman s insightful and important book cuts through the violence and shows how we can restore the democratic ideals that America was founded upon. --Thom Hartmann Jeffrey Feldman warns us to ignore the right wing noise machine at our own peril. Backed by right-wing think tanks foundations and millionaire families conservative standard bearers will continue to enrich themselves at the cost of a more civil equitable society. Read Outright Barbarous to find out what they re really saying and how we can stop it! --Sam Seder Since September 11 2001 most attempts at reasoned political debate in America have been severely limited by the violent language of the Right. In books and on television it has become a regular ritual for conservative pundits and intellectuals to infuse violence--particularly against Democrats or liberals--into discussions of the major issues of the day such as terrorism immigration and gun violence. The result is the creation of a shrill discourse that silences opposition and destroys any chance for serious civil debate. In Outright Barbarous: How the Violent Language of the Right Poisons American Democracy political language expert Jeffrey Feldman analyzes the words of leading conservative figures Ann Coulter Dinesh D Souza James Dobson Wayne LaPierre Pat Buchanan and Bill O Reilly to show how the Right s language of violence is polluting our public discourse and limiting the free exchange of ideas. In addition to exposing the conservative obsession with violence Feldman also shows how the civic discussion in America can be reshaped without the use of violent language creating a healthier political climate. An expert on language and political messaging Jeffrey Feldman is the author of Framing the Debate: Famous Presidential Speeches and How Progressives Can Use Them to Change the Conversation (and Win Elections.) He is also editor of the influential blog Frameshop(http: // and teaches at New York University.

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