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Knowledge and Learning Society Books: Technology Enhanced Learning: Best Practices (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Knowledge and Learning Society Books: Technology Enhanced Learning: Best Practices (Hardcover)
Product Description

With the shift towards the knowledge society the change of working conditions and the high-speed evolution of information and communication technologies peoples knowledge and skills need continuous updating. Learning based on collaborative working creativity multidisciplinarity adaptiveness intercultural communication and problem solving has taken on an important role in everyday life. Technology Enhanced Learning: Best Practices goes beyond traditional discussion on technology enhanced learning to provide research and insights on increasing the efficiency of learning for individuals and groups facilitating the transfer and sharing of knowledge in organizations and understanding of the learning process by exploring links among human learning cognition and technologies. This book offers estimable comprehensive research to researchers and practitioners in the field of technology enhanced learning in various disciplines including education sociology information technology workplace learning entertainment healthcare tourism and many others.

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March 4, 2025

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