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Jessi s Secret Language: a Graphic Novel (the Baby-Sitters Club #12) (Adapted edition) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Jessi s Secret Language: a Graphic Novel (the Baby-Sitters Club #12) (Adapted edition) (Paperback)
Product Description

A brand-new Baby-sitters Club graphic novel adapted by Eisner-nominated artist Chan Chau! Jessi recently moved to Stoneybrook and is one of the newest members of The Baby-sitters Club. She s getting ready to start regularly sitting for the BSC s newest charge Matt Braddock. Matt has been Deaf since birth and uses sign language to communicate so Jessi has to use it too. It s a secret language! Soon all the neighborhood kids want to learn how to sign which keeps the BSC busy. Jessi s the busiest of all -- she s preparing for her dance school s big show plus working on another secret just for Matt. Will Jessi be able to keep the secret and pull off her special event?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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