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Musculoskeletal Medicine: Flexibility: A Concise Guide: To Conditioning Performance Enhancement Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation (Paperback)

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Product Name
Musculoskeletal Medicine: Flexibility: A Concise Guide: To Conditioning Performance Enhancement Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation (Paperback)
Product Description

Here is a definitive guide to flexibility that revises the conceptual framework of the field. From the conceptual foundations of research to the practical applications of stretching techniques in a number of domains this book provides a fresh perspective on flexibility one that challenges current thinking and professional practice. It covers all major types of flexibility technique and training with an emphasis on when and how to use each method safely and effectively. Specific applications to rehabilitation sport fitness and dance make this book an invaluable resource for all practitioners and professionals in the field of human movement. Combining three decades of sport and rehabilitation research with critical and creative thinking and analysis Flexibility: A Concise Guide is a must-have resource for sports medicine physicians orthopedic surgeons physical therapists athletic therapists chiropractors coaches and other professionals.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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