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Counterpoints: Literacy as a Civil Right: Reclaiming Social Justice in Literacy Teaching and Learning (Paperback)

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Counterpoints: Literacy as a Civil Right: Reclaiming Social Justice in Literacy Teaching and Learning (Paperback)
Product Description

The urgency to create equity in schools has never been greater especially since legislators are considering the re-authorization of No Child Left Behind as a means to eliminating the achievement gap. Studies continue to show that increased standards testing and accountability have simply maintained the status quo. In response this book proposes alternative ways of addressing these educational inequities taking an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the complex historical social and global issues that stand in the way of ensuring that all students have access to literacy - issues that policy makers and educators can no longer ignore. Literacy as a Civil Right assembles an impressive group of essays that broaden the conversation taking place about school reform unmasking an ideology that maintains unequal relations of power in school and society. The ideas presented here will help readers re-imagine success in schools by understanding the possibilities that grow from a democratic vision of education. Together this book provides an alternative framework to increased testing offering a more humane vision of education that values agency rigor civic responsibility and democracy.

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March 4, 2025

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