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Ideas Explained: Sartre Explained: From Bad Faith to Authenticity (Paperback)

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Ideas Explained: Sartre Explained: From Bad Faith to Authenticity (Paperback)
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Jean-Paul Sartre is perhaps the most famous of the existentialists and by far the most famous philosopher of the post-war era. Sartre was a highly prolific writer and thinker and delving into his novels plays stories essays and memoirs can be challenging. Most books on Sartre focus on only one sphere of his astounding intellect -- either his philosophical treatises or his forays into fiction. Enter Sartre Explained a comprehensive guide to Sartre s versatile work as well as a valuable overview of his life and scholarly context. Detailing the philosophical notions central to all of Sartre s work including his fictional pieces this guide is an essential resource for anyone interested in Sartre s full range of talents.

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March 4, 2025

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