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Conversations with Filmmakers (Hardcover Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Paperback)

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Product Name
Conversations with Filmmakers (Hardcover Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Paperback)
Product Description

\ I might try to make something of an imperfect story with my efforts as a writer but I would never attempt to film a story that I was not finally in love with.\ From his first feature film Fear and Desire (1953) to his final posthumously released Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) excelled at probing the dark corners of human consciousness. In doing so he adapted such popular novels as The Killing Lolita A Clockwork Orange and The Shining and selected a wide variety of genres for his films-black comedy (Dr. Strangelove) science fiction (2001: A Space Odyssey) and war (Paths of Glory and Full Metal Jacket). Because he was peerless in unveiling the intimate mysteries of human nature no new film by Kubrick ever failed to spark debate or to be deeply pondered. Neither guarded nor evasive the Kubrick who emerges from these interviews is candid opinionated confident and articulate. His incredible memory and his gift for organization come to light as he quotes verbatim sections of reviews books and articles. Despite his reputation as a recluse the Kubrick of these interviews is approachable witty full of anecdotes and eager to share a fascinating story. Gene D. Phillips S.J. is a professor of English at Loyola University in Chicago where he teaches fiction and the history of film. He is the author and editor of many notable books on film including (with Rodney Hill) Francis Ford Coppola: Interviews from University Press of Mississippi. He was acquainted with Stanley Kubrick for twenty-five years.

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March 4, 2025

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