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Engineering Materials and Processes: Silver Metallization: Stability and Reliability (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Engineering Materials and Processes: Silver Metallization: Stability and Reliability (Hardcover)
Product Description

With the lowest resistivity of all metals silver is an attractive interconnect material for higher current densities and faster switching speeds in integrated circuits. Over the past ten years extensive research has been conducted to address the thermal and electrical stability issues and the processing issues that have prevented silver from being used as an interconnect metal. Here is the first book to discuss the current understanding of silver metallization and its potential as a future interconnect material for integrated circuit technology. The authors provide details on a wide range of experimental characterization and analysis techniques. In addition they discuss novel approaches used to overcome the thermal and electrical stability issues associated with silver metallization. The book is written for students scientists engineers and technologists in the fields of integrated circuits and microelectronics research and development.

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March 4, 2025

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