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Currituck Memories and Adventures : More Tales from a Native Gunner (Paperback)

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Product Name
Currituck Memories and Adventures : More Tales from a Native Gunner (Paperback)
Product Description

Currituck County North Carolina is famed as a place where hunters count down every hour until the opening of duck season. Land of the hunter farmer and fisherman?all terms that have defined author Travis Morris Currituck is the well-loved home and stage to this latest collection of hunting and fishing exploits. Currituck native Travis Morris returns with a follow-up to the best-selling Duck Hunting on Currituck Sound with more tales of hunting fishing and adventure. Complete with humorous stories of boyhood on the sound and a whole new collection of fishing and hunting expeditions this book is a treasure. Whether or not one has ever watched a ?smoke of ducks? flying overhead in front of a cold January sunrise or pulled in enough catfish to nearly sink a boat Morris s accounts of life on Currituck Sound are sure to delight.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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