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Bandits Farmers Military Leaders Patriots Politicians and Prophets : Retracing the Vanishing Footprints of our Ancestors (Paperback)

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Product Name
Bandits Farmers Military Leaders Patriots Politicians and Prophets : Retracing the Vanishing Footprints of our Ancestors (Paperback)
Product Description

One interpretation of early American history suggests that many of the immigrants who fled Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries were seeking freedom from the intolerable social economic and religious injustices that were prevalent at the time. Even after arriving here they encountered more hardship. They had to overcome what seemed to be at times insurmountable obstacles in their day-to-day survival. Many did not survive these harsh conditions. Children frequently survived only a few years. Mothers died young leaving small children to be raised by relatives or neighbors. Young males who joined the military usually did so at an age where we would still consider them to be youngsters. Disease was rampant; and medical care was limited. Families were chased from their homes by hostile Indians. Livestock were killed by wild animals. The westward migration of these early settlers was extremely difficult as well. Most travel inland required transport on foot by wagon-train or oxcart over rough terrain where the paths were often shaped by wild animals. Some of the tragedies and heartaches of our ancestors can be reviewed from limited records while most of the information can only be retold from hearsay stories passed down from generation to generation. Such may be the history and could well symbolize the migration patterns of the Adams Cannon Hobson and Pattie families presented in this book. As a result it is believed there may be descendants in all of the fifty states representing all walks of life- BANDITS FARMERS MILITARY LEADERS PATROITS POLITICIANS and PROPHETS.

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January 29, 2025

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