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File case 1 Lena Goodenough. Lena Goodenough teacher in Lakeview High was found dead by her landlady. Was she burned or poisoned ? Were any other murders committed to cover up for hers? File case Two Mr. Bear and his fate. Mr. Bear owner of the Home Sports Equipment was a well known person in this town Why would anyone suspect that he was murdered? Was it the daughter or the butler who killed him? File case Three Murder of Mrs. Atos Mrs. Atos a multimillionaire of the fair city. of Oakland was brutally murdered. Her faithful dog is also dead. Who done it.? File case Four The Bowen s Melissa Bowen well-known painter of desert pictures is found murdered in her bedroom. Was her diamond jewelry the motive? File case Three Murder of Mrs. Atos Mrs. Atos a multimillionaire of this fair city was brutally mutilated. Her faithful dog is also dead. Who done it? File case Five. The druggie Is the blond dark eyed child really a criminal? Find out you ll be the judge. File case 6 Jane Doe Police found her by the park near the lake. Puzzle this one out. Her sandals are full of salty sand How come? File case 7. The Liquor Store Robbery.. The only evidence at the site is a knife true not an ordinary one What would you do to find out who killed the salesman? File case 8. The Pensioner Who would do anything bad to a kindly old man? Figure it out. File case9. Becher becomes a new man. Becher is one of the detectives. He does not quite become a new man in fact he likes his job better than the new role assigned to him that of an independently rich man.
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