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Taotao GK110 1 Seater 110cc Gasoline Go-Kart - Turquoise

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Product Name
Taotao GK110 1 Seater 110cc Gasoline Go-Kart - Turquoise
Product Description

The GK110 includes all the amenities usually found on full-size buggies but it s sized just for kids and includes an adjustable seat with a seat to pedal distance from 27.5 to 31 inches. Features include a low-maintenance 4-stroke engine and automatic transmission with reverse full suspension hydraulic disc brakes and a rugged tubular steel frame. Engine Gear: D-N-R (Fully Automatic with reverse); Shift Gear: Hand; Fuel Capacity: 1 Gal 16 inch all-terrain tires; Wheelbase: 54 inches. Comes with a parental remote control. Brand New 70% assembled inside a metal crate. Certified Technician required for Assembly Prepp Basic maintenance and all tech issues. Warranty covers 30 days for replacement parts only. Labor mechanic and Returns NOT Covered. Lift gate included. Residential include. Delivery Opponents included. Brand New 60% assembled inside a metal crate. Certified Technician is required for Assembly Prep Basic care & maintenance and all Technical issues

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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