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Camco s Propane Portable Little Red Campfire - 9.5-inch Diameter Ring Burner (58031)

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Product Name
Camco s Propane Portable Little Red Campfire - 9.5-inch Diameter Ring Burner (58031)
Product Description

Camco s Propane Portable Little Red Campfire allows you to take your campfire with you. No mess no ash and no need to gather firewood--you can have a campfire wherever you go. The compact portable campfire is great for campsites with restrictions against in-ground fires. Take it tailgating or put it on a patio. Its size is convenient for wherever you need a fire. Realistic log piece and full 9-1/2 diameter ring burner help create the natural look and ambiance of wood-burning campfires. Its sturdy lid and security latches make it safe and easy to transport. The campfire includes an 8 propane hose for use with standard LP gas cylinders. The fire tray diameter is 11-1/4 . It includes an adjustable regulator with a maximum output of 65 000 BTU/HR. Color: Red; Model#: 58031; Brand: Camco

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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