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Proline Engine Flush 2037 (6 Pack)

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Product Name
Proline Engine Flush 2037 (6 Pack)
Product Description

Product Description DESCRIPTION: Highly effective detergent additives in Engine Flush clean interior engine before oil change. PROPERTIES: Gentle and rapid cleaning. Neutral to seals and other materials installed in the engine Compatible with catalytic converters. Highly economical. No additional environmental pollution. Simple to use. BENEFITS: Removes Deposits residues from all 4-stroke gasoline engines and diesel engines. Dissolves sludge and lacquer and isolates solid particles and liquid contaminants. Improves the combustion process and restores full engine performance. Prevents corrosion of unprotected metal surfaces. Recovers oil lubricating properties. Application: Suitable for all gas and diesel engines. Add to engine oil before engine oil change. Let engine run on idle speed for 10 minutes. Drain oil change oil filter and re-fill with fresh oil of high quality. Contents sufficient for1.3 gal (5liters) sump capacity. Fully compatible with all commercially available engine oils.

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Last updated
March 1, 2025

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