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Princess Tutu (Blu-ray) (Steelbook) Sentai Anime

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Product Name
Princess Tutu (Blu-ray) (Steelbook) Sentai Anime
Product Description

Once there was a writer a creator of tales who was blessed with the ability to bring his stories to life. But when the writer dies before his story is finished what becomes of the characters left behind? For the girl known as Duck the world changed when an old man gave her a pendant that transformed the duck that she was into a young girl. Now she must gather the shards of a shattered Prince s heart and finish the story of the Prince and the Raven. But that will require Duck to make a sacrifice of her own? Enter a world of dance and wonder as ballet myth and romance come together in the anime hailed as a modern classic PRINCESS TUTU.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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