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Noble Warriors: Jango: Book Two of the Noble Warriors (Paperback)

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Product Name
Noble Warriors: Jango: Book Two of the Noble Warriors (Paperback)
Product Description

Seeker Morning Star and the Wildman return in this gripping sequel to Seeker and discover that the mysterious warrior sect they were so desperate to join is not what it appeared to be. Deeply disillusioned the three escape and head off on quests they think are separate but soon become intertwined--and desperately life threatening. Fortunately they have acquired the remarkable physical skills of the Noble Warriors for they are certainly going to need them. The mighty warlord of the Orlan nation is gathering his forces and has vowed to destroy Anacrea--and everything and everyone that crosses his path. Includes a teaser to the third book in the sequence Noman.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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