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Karate: The Endless Quest (Paperback) by William Dometrich
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The publication of this book marks the first time that Hanshi Dometrichi s story is being widely told. Students of all karate styles can now get a glimpse of what it was like to train directly under one of the old masters of karate-do. Chitose O-Sensei was one of the most important architects of modern karate-do during a key time in its development and without knowing why William J. Dometrich was accepted as his first non-Japanese student. This book is a valuable and insightful addition to the growing body of martial arts literature whose focus is to reveal the true spirit of the Japanese Budo-that of perseverance dedication and service. Readers will learn first hand of the camaraderie the struggles the victories and the defeats. Without a doubt this is a book that all students of karate-do should have in their martial arts library. It is the culmination of 50 years of experience in the martial arts clearly depicting the experiences of one of today s top teachers.
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