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Wonder Woman s Guide to Money: The Busy Woman s Guide to Money Management and Wealth Building (Paperback)

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Product Name
Wonder Woman s Guide to Money: The Busy Woman s Guide to Money Management and Wealth Building (Paperback)
Product Description

How confident are you when it comes to managing your finances? Do you have a clearly defined goal and a plan mapped out to get you there? Or are you so busy with life s day-to-day activities that your finances are left on autopilot? If making financial decisions leaves you feeling overwhelmed you are not alone. In fact research has found that women are not as confident as men when it comes to managing finances regardless of their actual financial literacy! If you wish you could be better with your money but just don t seem to have the time this book is for you. Written by a working mum of two Wonder Woman s Guide to Money will give you the tools you need to take control of your financial future including: How to break out of the debt spiral and get better at saving The secret to becoming mortgage-free and building equity The key to growing your money the safe way The lowdown on offset accounts life insurance and wills The four steps to getting on top of your super The simple backup plan to safeguard your future Bonus resources to help put your newfound knowledge into action And much more!

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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