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Summit Audio TPA-200B DualTube Preamp

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Product Name
Summit Audio TPA-200B DualTube Preamp
Product Description

The 2-channel Summit Audio TPA-200B Dual Tube Preamplifier combines the warmth of 3 vacuum tubes with the clear high frequency response of high quality solid state in a package that handles a variety of applications. With 3 input types: microphone input line level input and front panel Hi-Z input the TPA-200B is great studio companion for both tracking and mixing. Use the Summit Audio TPA-200B preanp s input and output gains to overdrive the tube in any amount from very clean and clear to a riot of tube fuzz. The preamp s Jensen input transformers have an open and airy top end that shines with dynamic and diverse signals”even those with dense frequency content”such as voice and electric guitars.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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