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Laney LFR-212 Full-Range Flat Response Active Cabinet Black

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Product Name
Laney LFR-212 Full-Range Flat Response Active Cabinet Black
Product Description

Digital guitar rigs like this LFR-212 active cab allow players access to an astounding array of truly amazing sounding amplifiers cabinets and effects combinations which a few years ago guitar players could only dream about. Now you can take your digital guitar rig anywhere you want from recording in the studio to live on stage. But you are going to need a cabinet that can live up to the expectations. The Laney LFR-212 is a more-than-worthy option. Designed to move lots of air and deliver the varied tones of a digital guitar setup where it matters the most—to your audience the LFR-212 is a powerful full range flat response powered cabinet. Loaded with a pair of vertically spaced custom-voiced 12 drivers and a 1 LaVoce Compression driver the LFR-212 delivers detailed precise full-range response with no unwanted coloring.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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