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His Dark Materials His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass (Book 3) Book 3 (Hardcover)

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His Dark Materials His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass (Book 3) Book 3 (Hardcover)
Product Description

The unforgettable His Dark Materials trilogy that began with The Golden Compass and continued with The Subtle Knife reaches its astonishing conclusion in The Amber Spyglass. These modern fantasy classics have been hailed by Entertainment Weekly as an All-Time Greatest Novel and Newsweek as a Top 100 Book of All Time. Throughout the worlds the forces of both heaven and hell are mustering to take part in Lord Asriel s audacious rebellion. Each player in this epic drama has a role to play--and a sacrifice to make. Witches angels spies assassins tempters and pretenders no one will remain unscathed. Lyra and Will have the most dangerous task of all. They must journey to a gray-lit world where no living soul has ever gone and from which there is no escape. As war rages and Dust drains from the sky the fate of the living--and the dead--comes to depend on Lyra and Will. On the choices they make in love and for love forevermore. A #1 New York Times Bestseller Winner of the Whitbread Award Winner of the British Book Award (Children s) Published in 40 Countries Masterful.... This title confirms Pullman s inclusion in the company of C.S. Lewis and Tolkien. --Smithsonian Magazine Pullman has created the last great fantasy masterpiece of the twentieth century. An astounding achievement. --The Cincinnati Enquirer War politics magic science individual lives and cosmic destinies are all here . . . shaped and assembled into a narrative of tremendous pace by a man with a generous precise intelligence. I am completely enchanted. --The New York Times Book Review Breathtaking adventure . . . a terrific story eloquently told. --The Boston Globe Don t miss Philip Pullman s epic new trilogy set in the world of His Dark Materials! ** THE BOOK OF DUST ** La Belle Sauvage The Secret Commonwealth

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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