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Minnows In The Bath And Other Doggie Treats Ballard Street Collection Paperback Jerry Van amerongen

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Product Name
Minnows In The Bath And Other Doggie Treats Ballard Street Collection Paperback Jerry Van amerongen
Product Description

This is a Brand New book in excellent condition. Format: Paperback Author: Jerry Van amerongen ISBN10: 0740705792 ISBN13: 9780740705793 Cartoonist Jerry Van Amerongen has been amusing America for nearly 20 years. First with his hugely successful panel The Neighborhood and now with Ballard Street. An intellectual cartoonist with a loopy sense of humor and a richly subtle drawing style Van Amerongen entertains enlightens and makes us laugh out loud. In Minnows in the Bath Van Amerongen gathers together his best canine cartoons. The droll dogs of Ballard Street are often hailed as among the cartoonists strongest characters. Dogs who wear hats dogs that catapult from trampolines and dogs that outthink their human counterparts highlight Van Amerongens humorous way with hounds.Through his comedic canines Van Amerongen wants to share his world. Some of the messages are profound; some are just plain silly. Some are geared for big laughs; others a quiet smile the cartoonist says. Its whats rattling around in my brain at the time.

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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