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Jagged Leaves - Nightmare Afternoon - Rock - Cassette

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Product Name
Jagged Leaves - Nightmare Afternoon - Rock - Cassette
Product Description

Limited cassette edition of this 2016 release. Dan Penta doesn t have fans - he has disciples. An outcast of the DC burbs he arrived in NYC in 1999 quickly becoming a staple of the anti-folk scene. But while friends like Regina Spektor the Moldy Peaches and Langhorne Slim went on to earn acclaim Dan remained unknown. Creating in obscurity he handmade CD-Rs for the consecrated few who through the years came to form a tiny congregation. Finally now 20 years of retrospection and songwriting come to fruition. I remember hearing Dan play when I began going to the Sidewalk Cafe open mic. He had interesting lyrics and passionate delivery and always stood out as one of the unique voices in that scene. - Regina Spektor.

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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