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Nnamdi - Brat - Music & Performance - Cassette

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Product Name
Nnamdi - Brat - Music & Performance - Cassette
Product Description

BRAT is the masterful LP from beloved Chicago multi-instrumentalist NNAMDÏ. It follows his critically acclaimed LP DROOL (2017) an album that brought him to Pitchfork Fest and earned him Best Music of the Year recognition from NPR FADER BANDCAMP and more. On his follow-up BRAT NNAMDÏ starkly explores the psychological turmoil between Wanting and Needing in a manner that is both intensely personal and highly relatable. It s virtuosic fusion of Hip-Hop Rock Pop Electronics Gospel and West African influences firmly establishes him in a genre-less class of his own. NNAMDÏ wrote produced and recorded BRAT by himself.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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