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Enneatypes: Methods & Spirit: Our Nine Basic Compulsions (Paperback)

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Enneatypes: Methods & Spirit: Our Nine Basic Compulsions (Paperback)
Product Description

Enneatypes: Method & Spirit gives an introduction to our nine basic neuroses and a program for using it in clinical practice and pastoral counseling. The first two chapters describe the history of the theory and define two key terms compulsion and spirituality. The next chapter presents a method for organizing the profusion of empirical data on the types. Chapter Four uses this method to give a complete account of the enneatypes including explanations on how each compulsion originates how it relates to egotism and how it may be transcended. This is followed by a chapter on how to diagnose a compulsion. Chapter Six presents a critique of the Naranjo/Ichazo models and an introduction to a model based on the generalized empirical method of Bernard Lonergan. The book closes with an essay for teenagers on How to Be.

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March 4, 2025

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