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LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm

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Product Name
LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm
Product Description

Durable polished aluminum construction! Create a fully adjustable side-by-side monitor configuration that lifts both LCD screens up to where they’re easier to see while reclaiming valuable worksurface. Reposition your LCDs with just a touch Up Down Forward Back. The LX provides unparalleled range of motion. Save time by using multiple applications at once-eliminate toggling back and forth between documents and programs.Features Position LCD screens for maximum ergonomic comfort with unparalleled range of motion which promotes wellness in any work area Free up your desktop to increase your workspace Easily turn one or both screens from landscape mode to portrait mode which view entire pages without scrolling Cable management feature routes cables under the arm out of the way Simple installation and effortless operationSpecifications Color: White Lift: 13 in. - SKU: ZX9SYBA4422

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Last updated
February 22, 2025

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