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FIRST RESPONSE Comfort Check Pregnancy Test, 8 Count

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Product Name
FIRST RESPONSE Comfort Check Pregnancy Test, 8 Count
Product Description

The FIRST RESPONSE Comfort Check Pregnancy Test comes in an 8-count value pack, featuring three Early Result pregnancy test sticks and five pregnancy test strips to cater to your specific needs. With these tests, you can achieve peace of mind by testing as early as six days before your missed period using the Early Result sticks, or any day after your missed period with the pregnancy test strips. Knowing the right answer is crucial, and these tests boast over 99% accuracy from the day of your missed period, ensuring you get reliable results when it counts.

These tests are designed for simplicity and discretion, with each pregnancy test strip individually wrapped for convenient testing wherever and whenever necessary. The Early Result pregnancy test gives you results in just three minutes, while the test strip provides results in five minutes. Whether you are planning to start a family or just want to confirm your suspicions, the FIRST RESPONSE Comfort Check Pregnancy Test offers clarity and confidence in your pregnancy journey.

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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