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Heavy Metal: The Music and Its Culture Revised Edition (Paperback)

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Product Name
Heavy Metal: The Music and Its Culture Revised Edition (Paperback)
Product Description

Few forms of music elicit such strong reactions as does heavy metal. Embraced by millions of fans it has also attracted a chorus of critics who have denounced it as a corrupter of youth--even blamed it for tragedies like the murders at Columbine. Deena Weinstein argues that these fears stem from a deep misunderstanding of the energetic rebellious culture of metal which she analyzes explains and defends. She interprets all aspects of the metal world--the music and its makers its fans its dress code its lyrics--and in the process unravels the myths misconceptions and truths about an irreverent subculture that has endured and evolved for twenty years.

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March 10, 2025

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