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Cells 2nd edition (Paperback)

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Product Name
Cells 2nd edition (Paperback)
Product Description

A complete curriculum about the anatomy and physiology of (animal) cells designed for ages 10 to 16. The first half of the book is a 100-page student section with ten chapters that are written in a lively and engaging style with occasional inserts of cartoon characters to encourage the readers. The science topics covered are high school level but the author intends to reach a younger audience with the concepts. There are comprehension questions and other written activities at the end of each chapter. The last half of the book is a 100-page teacher s section with activity ideas for each chapter. The range of activities includes paper crafts with patterns for cut and assemble models edible crafts and other crafts that use items such as chenille stems and plastic balls card games relay races a song a few lab experiments and a list of virtual labs and supplemental videos.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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