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Getting Pregnant : What Couples Need To Know Right Now (Paperback)

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Getting Pregnant : What Couples Need To Know Right Now (Paperback)
Product Description

Whether you are young and fertile over forty and having trouble conceiving or anywhere in between here is the best resource to help you get pregnant.The only must-have fertility book Getting Pregnant completely revised and updated not only addresses the needs of those who cannot conceive but serves as the ultimate guide for anyone planning to have a baby now or in the future. Addressing the newest state-of-the-art medical treatments for infertility Getting Pregnant gives you all the latest news on: -eight brand-new fertility drugs -donor eggs and donor sperm -a new 15-minute in-office surgery that can double conception odds -breakthrough technologies for preventing chronic miscarriage -how both sex and lifestyle factors affect fertility including the Nine to Five guide for protecting your reproductive health on the job Getting Pregnant also provides a wealth of practical information about the exercises foods and supplements that encourage a faster healthier conception as well as brand-new all-natural techniques that influence the gender of your child. You ll also find a helpful six-month personal pregnancy planner that addresses all of your pre-conception health and medical needs. Don t miss the new chapters that focus on protecting increasing and extending fertility while new frontiers in both the treatment of male fertility and the science of motherhood are explored.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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