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Utter s Battalion : 2/7 Marines in Vietnam 1965-66 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Utter s Battalion : 2/7 Marines in Vietnam 1965-66 (Paperback)
Product Description

In May 1965 the entire 2nd Battalion 7th Marine Regiment--lock stock and barrel--embarked for Vietnam. Captain Alex Lee was there. . . . Now combat-veteran Marine captain Alex Lee brings to gritty life the full tour of 2/7. From the search-and-destroy missions to the sudden violent ambushes in the hills and valleys west of Qui Nhon Lee describes how Marines battled monsoons malaria and the enemy as they crept through terrain infested with Viet Cong caves and hideouts. After paving the way in Qui Nhon for the arrival of more American military 2/7 was assigned to Chu Lai where the battalion fought its most bitter deadly battles. With the scalding ring of truth Lee captures the conditions of the bone-weary 2/7 Marines as they slogged through jungles and spent night after night in dreary rain-filled foxholes. Although they faced a life of constant danger and occasional mindless confusion in their seemingly endless marathon of effort agony and sacrifice the Marines of 2/7 never faltered never stopped giving their best.

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March 5, 2025

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