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Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens : Find Peace from Worry Panic Fear and Phobias (Paperback)

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Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens : Find Peace from Worry Panic Fear and Phobias (Paperback)
Product Description

Conquer anxiety and calm your body and mind with this supportive self help book for teens Anxiety is a difficult emotion to manage and the added stressors of teenage life can make it feel impossible to overcome. But you have the power to handle it--you just need the right tools. Get ready to conquer anxiety with this friendly and straightforward anxiety workbook for kids and teens. The exercises inside will teach you practical effective techniques to tackle worrying in the moment so you can keep anxiety from taking over. With this anxiety relief book you ll find out how to identify the types of anxiety you re experiencing--general anxiety social anxiety panic attacks or phobias. Then using strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness you ll learn how to manage your thoughts emotions and behaviors. With helpful examples of real scenarios teenagers face at school home or with friends this book is your secret weapon against anxiety in any situation. If you re in search of books for anxiety and overthinking the Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens offers the best in mental health books for teens as you: Soothe your mind--Learn how anxiety plays tricks on your mind and find out how to be more realistic and confident while correcting \ thinking errors\ and old beliefs. Understand your body--This anxiety book for teens includes immediate calming strategies like body scanning taking charge of your anxious alter-ego creating a self-care routine and more. Write in the book--This teen anxiety workbook has lined space to invite you to answer questions try thoughtful exercises and take quizzes right on the page. Release stress and worry while you nurture your mental health with the Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens.

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March 4, 2025

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