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PowerHen (TM) High Protein Treat For Backyard Chickens

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Product Name
PowerHen (TM) High Protein Treat For Backyard Chickens
Product Description

Need to support your flock with extra protein? PowerHen (TM) to the rescue! PowerHen is a unique blend of dried insects and shrimp along with yummy herbs and extra goodies your chickens will love! We crafted this blend for our hens who are molting or just coming back into laying - taxing natural events for any chicken! Hens love picking at the flowers and non-GMO wheat berries and go BANANAS over the dried mealworms black soldier fly larvae and river shrimp! You ll also hear them clucking for joy over the soothing rose petals calendula and basil. Ingredients: USA raised and harvested black soldier fly larvae mealworms river shrimp non-GMO wheat berries non-GMO corn non-GMO flax naturally grown calendula (for flavor) basil (for flavor) and rose (for flavor). Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein: 32% Crude Fat: 12% Crude Fiber 9%.

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Last updated
February 24, 2025

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