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Mensa Genius Quiz Match Wits with Mensa: The Complete Quiz Book (Paperback)

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Product Name
Mensa Genius Quiz Match Wits with Mensa: The Complete Quiz Book (Paperback)
Product Description

The ultimate book of Mensa-crafted puzzles brainteasers word games number conundrums and logical mysteries to test your intelligence Puzzle fans have bought more than 650 000 copies of the Mensa Genius Quiz series-the only books that let readers \ match wits with Mensa \ comparing how well they do against members of the famous high-IQ society. Here in a giant omnibus edition are four best-selling titles: The Mensa Genius Quiz Books 1 & 2 The Mensa Genius Quiz-A-Day Book and The Mensa Genius ABC Book. Here are more than 800 fun mindbenders to exercise every part of your brain-word games trivia logic riddles number challenges visual puzzles-plus tips on how to improve your thinking skills. All the puzzles have been tested by members of American Mensa Ltd. and include the percentage of Mensa testers who could solve each one so that you can score yourself against some of the nation s fittest mental athletes.

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March 8, 2025

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