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Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point (Hardcover)
Product Description

Can the World s Greatest Detective solve the mystery of Zero Point and escape the battle royale world of FORTNITE? This hardcover collection includes a bonus code unlocking seven DC-themed Fortnite digital items. When a crack splits above Gotham City Batman is pulled into a bizarre and unfamiliar world with no memory of who he is or where he came from... As he fights to recall his past and escape an endless loop of chaos and struggle he ll come face to face for the first time with the likes of Renegade Raider Fishstick and Bandolette--as well as others who seem impossibly familiar to him. While the World s Greatest Detective strives to make sense of this strange new world he ll uncover the shocking truth about the Island what lies beyond the Loop and how everything is connected to the mysterious Zero Point. Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point uncovers secrets never before revealed in game or anywhere else! Every fan of Batman Fortnite stunning art and edge-of-your-seat excitement won t want to miss the Caped Crusader facing off against Fortnite champions on the Island in a desperate attempt to save not only himself but other familiar faces from the DCU...and perhaps the Multiverse itself! Comics all-stars Christos Gage Reilly Brown Christian Duce Nelson DeCastro and John Kalisz are joined by Epic Games chief creative officer Donald Mustard to bring readers into the Loop and help the World s Greatest Detective solve the mysterious of the global gaming phenomenon. This hardcover collects issues 1-6 of the global bestselling series featuring variant covers from comics greatest talents including Kenneth Rocafort Arthur Adams Jim Lee Scott Williams Amanda Conner Dan Mora and Kim Jung Gi premium variant covers from Donald Mustard himself and a bonus code unlocking seven DC-themed Fortnite digital items.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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