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Rust-Oleum 16001 Pouch Wolman Deckbrite Wood Cleaner and Coating Prep 1-Pound - 6 Pack

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Product Name
Rust-Oleum 16001 Pouch Wolman Deckbrite Wood Cleaner and Coating Prep 1-Pound - 6 Pack
Product Description

Ideal for pressure treated wood plastic/wood composites and weathered cedar and redwood decks fences and more. Ultra oxidizer strongest wood cleaner of it s kind deep cleaning foam restores and brightens in minutes without chlorine bleach. Restores weathered wood to it s bright natural look by removing embedded dirt grayed surface and stains from mildew mold and algae. Rids new wood of surface wax or mill glaze eliminates barriers to penetration adhesion and long term performance. Prepares all wood for sealing or staining. Formulated with special thickeners that cling to vertical surfaces and hard to reach areas. Environmentally safe formula is acid free and chlorine free. 100% biodegradable which is safe to use near grass plants and shrubs. Fast acting cleans in 10 minutes. Easy to use pouch will make 2.5 gallon. 3 lb. jar will make approcimately 7 gallon of mixture. Just mix with water spray brush and rinse. 6 Pack.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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