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MABIS Steam Inhaler with Oil Diffuser, and Soft Mask for Facial Cleansing

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Product Name
MABIS Steam Inhaler with Oil Diffuser, and Soft Mask for Facial Cleansing
Product Description

Doubling as a facial cleansing tool, the steam gently deep-cleanses pores and rejuvenates the skin. Place the humidifier in an area that is out of the reach of children. Humidifier may not work properly on a non-level surface. Always place humidifier on a firm, flat, level surface, at least 5 inches away from walls and heat sources such as stoves, radiators or heaters. When moving or lifting the humidifier make sure you have a secure grip under the base of the unit. When removing the tank, use one hand on the tank handle and the other on the bottom of the tank on the fill cap. This will help prevent leakage of water or breakage of the unit itself. Before using the humidifier, extend the cord and inspect for any signs of damage. Do not use the product if the cord has been damaged.

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Last updated
September 24, 2024

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