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E.p.t Early Pregnancy Test, 2-Count

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E.p.t Early Pregnancy Test, 2-Count
Product Description

E.p.t Early Pregnancy Test, 2-CountBrought to you by Ept Pregnancy Test e.p.t provides easy-to-read results with over 99% accuracy from the day of your expected period. e.p.t. is a home pregnancy test, and has been trusted and relied on by millions of women since 1977. Today, our Pregnancy Test features easy-to-read results faster than ever. And, the e.p.t Pregnancy Test is over 99 percent accurate from the day of your expected period, so you can feel confident in your results. Clear results. Over 99% accurate.* No brand more accurate. *Over 99% accurate from the day of expected period at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Note that hormone levels vary. See leaflet. Instructions inside. e.p.t. Analog Early Pregnancy Tests - 2 Ct.2 Pack E.p.t Early Pregnancy Test, 2-Count Over 99% accurate* from the day of your expected period. The e-p-t +/- pregnancy test can be used up to 4 days before your expected period which is 5 days sooner than waiting until you miss your period to test. However, the distributor of e-p-t recommends waiting until the day of your expected period for more accurate results. If you want to test earlier, keep in mind that levels of the pregnancy hormone vary greatly, which makes testing earlier less reliable. If you test early and get a negative result, the distributor of e-p-t recommends retesting on the day of your expected period. Instructions inside. *Over 99% accurate at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Note that hormone levels vary. See leaflet. The e.p.t. Early Pregnancy Test is more than 99 percent accurate* in laboratory tests, when used from the first day of your expected period. If you are testing earlier than the day of your expected period, then the accuracy of e.p.t. Early Pregnancy Test will be lower. *Over 99 percent accurate from the day of expected period at detecting the pregnancy hormone. However, some pregnant women may not have detectable amounts of the pregnancy hormone in their urine on the first day of their expected period, or may have miscalculated the first day of their period. How does e.p.t. early pregnancy test work? When you are pregnant your body produces the pregnancy hormone hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin). The amount of hCG in your body increases in the early stages of pregnancy. e.p.t. Early Pregnancy Test can detect tiny amounts of this hormone in your urine. When can I use the test to determine if I am pregnant? You can use the e.p.t. Early Pregnancy Test before you expect your period to start. If you test early and the result is a (-) sign, there is still a chance that you might be pregnant.

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Last updated
February 24, 2025

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