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Pre-Owned The XML Handbook (Paperback) by Charles F Goldfarb Paul Prescod Jon Bosak

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Product Name
Pre-Owned The XML Handbook (Paperback) by Charles F Goldfarb Paul Prescod Jon Bosak
Product Description

9780130147141. Pre-owned: Good condition. Other. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Language: English. Pages: 1013. Charles F. Goldfarb Series on Open Information Management. This is the only definitive XML guide for Web professionals and their managers. Now totally revised to reflect the newest advances in XML technology this new Second Edition is all you need to master the latest XML tools standards and applications! Two renowned XML experts start with an accurate easy-to-understand explanation of XML its components structure and goals. Review powerful XML applications including personalized web sites e-commerce supply chain integration language translation securities regulation and help desk automation. The book presents seven detailed case studies from the Washington Post Hitachi Semiconductor and other leading-edge implementers. Compare today s best XML tools including ADEPT Editor XMetaL DynaTag Astoria XML Styler and POET Content Management Suite. Finally preview new XML technologies including Xlink XSL WIDI and XML RPC. Bonus CD-ROM contains 110 freeware XML packages including IBM s Alphaworks Suite and Exeter s XML Web Server.

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March 4, 2025

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