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Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Learning to Listen from Multiple Perspectives (Paperback)

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Product Name
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Learning to Listen from Multiple Perspectives (Paperback)
Product Description

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is the first book designed to teach therapists how to listen and intervene from multiple perspectives. Through study and analysis of session transcripts the reader learns how to listen and formulate interpretations from four different perspectives: reflection analysis of conflict analysis of transference and analysis of defense. Each listening approach is introduced with a brief chapter illustrating the rules of intervention followed by therapy transcripts which the reader studies and analyzes. By studying the transcripts answering the questions in the material and comparing his answers with those provided by the author the reader will learn how to reflect analyze conflict interpret the transference and analyze the defenses. Beginning therapists can use this book to acquire listening and intervention skills. Advanced therapists will enjoy studying and comparing listening approaches from a meta-theoretical perspective. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy provides a framework for studying how each approach focuses on a different analytic surface and uses different rules for timing and content of interpretation.

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March 4, 2025

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