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Top Student Top Student Pre-Kindergarten Workbook (Paperback)

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Product Name
Top Student Top Student Pre-Kindergarten Workbook (Paperback)
Product Description

Give young children a path to academic success with Top Student! Recipient of the 2020 Parents Picks Award for Best Educational Products for Preschool and Elementary Kids the Top Student series empowers children to be active learners problem solvers and creative thinkers. Each full-color Top Student workbook provides hundreds of engaging full-color activities that practice the most important skills at each grade level and offers opportunities for critical thinking and creativity. Core subject areas and topics in the pre-kindergarten edition include: Alphabet letters and sounds Early writing Early reading Reading comprehension Numbers and counting Shapes colors and patterns Sorting and matching Opposites Science Mindful moments STEM Geography Social and emotional learning Computer science These robust workbooks also include: Reward stickers Informational posters Mindful moments meditations and activities with downloadable audio* *Mindful moments with audio help children incorporate reflection and meditation into their academic life. Includes answer key. About Evan-Moor A leader in PreK-8 educational publishing Evan-Moor has been a trusted partner of teachers and parents for over 40 years. Our mission is helping children learn and we do this by creating resources that motivate children to learn important skills and concepts across the curriculum while also inspiring a love of learning.

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December 4, 2024

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