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16 oz Concentrated Fruit and Veggie Wash by Lifes Pure Balance Must Have Kitchen Cleaner Dilute & Spray

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Product Name
16 oz Concentrated Fruit and Veggie Wash by Lifes Pure Balance Must Have Kitchen Cleaner Dilute & Spray
Product Description

One teaspoon in a medium-sized bowl filled with water is all you need to experience the authentic flavor of your fruits and vegetables. Saturate your produce by spraying or soaking then rinsing with tap water. Eat and enjoy the unlocked taste of your fruits and vegetables. Life’s Pure Balance concentrated wash has no chemical smell and leaves no chemical aftertaste. This wash removes waxes dirt oils and inanimate contaminants from your fruits and vegetables while giving you 2 to 4 days of extended shelf life re-defining clean! The taste will be crispier especially with hard-to-wash raspberries strawberries celery and lettuce. Often apples have a harder-than-normal wax which requires a drop or two of concentrate placed directly onto the surface while gently rubbing. When given a chance to do an “unbiased” taste test kids are a great example as they will always pick the food that tastes the best not caring why or how that happened. To our knowledge we have won every blind taste test allowing us to give a product guarantee that is written around the improved taste that our wash brings to the table. So wash your fruit and veggies then eat and love how they taste. And then feel good about what you just did. Order now and join us in experiencing the authentic flavor of your fruits and vegetables. Made in the United States of America Check out all of our sizes 8 oz 16 oz 5 oz 5 tsp and the spray bottle pouch combo kit.

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Last updated
January 24, 2025

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