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Kelly Finnigan - The Tales People Tell - Music & Performance - Cassette

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Product Name
Kelly Finnigan - The Tales People Tell - Music & Performance - Cassette
Product Description

Kelly Finnigan s debut solo album for Colemine Records represents the culmination of his 15 years of experience - in the studio as a songwriter multi-instrumentalist engineer producer - and touring the US and Europe as a singer musician and band-leader. The content within reflects his dedication to expression through the rich American music traditions of soul gospel doo-wop and R&B. The subject is love. It s ecstasies and heartaches. Love sought found betrayed lost and rediscovered. The result is a marvelous collection of songs and performances that run the gamut from whispering tenderness to roaring appeals; from lean and mean to lush and lovely. And always... always manifestly honest and undeniably soulful. With Finnigan guiding these songs from their conception all the way to the record pressing plant the new release provides the singular voice missing from soul music: a visionary that writes records performs and produces his own material.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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