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The Oxford History of Islam (Hardcover) by John L Esposito

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Product Name
The Oxford History of Islam (Hardcover) by John L Esposito
Product Description

9780195107999. New condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 768. Sewn binding. Cloth over boards. 768 p. Contains: Illustrations. This lavishly illustrated book begins in the pre-Islamic world and details the birth development and growth of Islam through to the present. It is arranged both thematically and chronologically tracing the growth of Islamic faith laws science art and philosophy through time and across the world and discussing as well the spread of Islam throughout the middle East Africa India Central and East Asia and finally Europe and North America. The contributors are all top-level scholars and experts in their fields; they bring a variety of backgrounds and points of view to the work.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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